Shenzhen Typhoon
Shenzhen Typhoon
信号 图片 防御指引 含义(防御指引精简版)
  1. 进入台风注意状态,警惕台风对当地的影响。
  2. 海上可能有强风,海上作业人员应当主动做好避风准备,遵照执行海事、渔政部门的防风指令或者通知。
  3. 注意通过气象信息传播渠道了解台风的最新情况。
  1. 进入台风戒备状态,做好防御台风准备。
  2. 注意了解台风最新消息和政府及有关部门防御台风通知。
  3. 加固门窗和板房、铁皮屋、棚架等临时搭建物,妥善安置易受大风影响的室外物品。
  4. 有关主管部门和其他单位及时组织户外、高空、港口及海上作业人员做好防御工作。海水养殖、海上作业人员应当适时撤离,船舶应当及时回港避风或者采取其他避风措施。
Typhoon alert is in effect. Secure windows and doors as well as temporary structures; clear up outdoor articles. Personnel in outdoor operations should prepare for strong winds, or suspend operations according to circumstances. Personnel in dangerous areas and offshore people should promptly evacuate and immediately return to port or take measures for shelter.
  1. 进入台风防御状态,启动防风应急响应,市民应当紧闭门窗,安置易受大风影响的室外物品。尽量避免外出;处于危险地带和危房中的人员应当及时撤离,确保留在安全场所。
  2. 托儿所、幼儿园和中小学停课;未启程上学的学生不必到校上课;在校学生(含校车上、寄宿)应当服从校方安排,校方保障在校学生的安全;上学、放学途中的学生应当就近到安全场所暂避。
  3. 停止露天集体活动,停止高空、水上等户外作业。海水养殖、海上作业人员应当撤离,回港避风船舶不得擅自离港,并做好防御措施。滨海浴场、景区、公园、游乐场应当适时停止营业,关闭相关区域,组织人员避险。开放避险场所,可能发生危险区域的人员立即疏散转移。
  4. 除必需在岗的工作人员外,用人单位根据工作地点、工作性质、防灾避灾需要等情况安排工作人员推迟上班、提前下班或者停工,并为在岗工作人员以及因天气原因滞留单位的工作人员提供必要的避险措施。 5.相关应急处置部门和抢险单位加强值班,实时关注灾情,落实应对措施。
Typhoon protection is in effect and preventive emergency measures for wind are in response. Suspend classes in nurseries, kindergartens, primary and secondary schools. Residents should close doors and windows and clear up outdoor articles that are vulnerable to strong wind. Stop outdoor operations and activities and take a safe shelter nearby. Residents can contact local sub-district offices, community workstations, or browse the website of the Municipal Emergency Management Bureau for information on emergency shelters for natural disasters. Bathing beaches, scenic spots, parks and amusement parks should be timely closed.
  1. 进入台风紧急防御状态,密切关注台风最新消息和政府及有关部门发布的防御台风通知。相关应急处置部门和抢险单位密切监视灾情,做好应急抢险救灾工作。
  2. 中小学校、幼儿园、托儿所应当停课,学校应当妥善安置寄宿学生。
  3. 居民避免外出,确保留在安全场所。
  4. 处于海边、危房、简易工棚等可能发生危险区域的人员,应当立即撤离到安全场所。停止室内大型集会,立即疏散人员。
  5. 滨海浴场、景区、公园、游乐场应当停止营业,迅速组织人员避险。
  6. 加固港口设施;落实船舶防御措施,防止走锚、搁浅和碰撞。
Contingency typhoon protections is in effect. Suspend classes in primary and secondary schools, kindergartens and nurseries. People should avoid going out, and those in dangerous areas should evacuate immediately. Outdoor personnel should take shelters nearby and residents can contact local sub-district offices, community workstations, or browse the website of the Municipal Emergency Management Bureau for information on emergency shelters for natural disaster. Suspend large-scale gatherings and shut down bathing beaches, scenic spots, parks and amusement parks. Reinforce port facilities and implement protective measures for ships. Employers should suspend operations according to circumstances and provide shelters for stranded employees.
  1. 进入台风特别紧急防御状态,密切关注台风最新消息和政府及有关部门发布的防御台风通知。相关应急处置部门和抢险单位严密监视灾情,做好应急抢险救灾工作。
  2. 中小学校、幼儿园、托儿所应当停课,学校应当妥善安置寄宿学生;建议用人单位停工(特殊行业除外),并为滞留人员提供安全的避风场所。
  3. 居民切勿外出,确保留在安全场所。 4.当台风中心经过时风力会减小或者静止一段时间,应当保持戒备和防御,以防台风中心经过后强风再袭。
Extreme typhoon contingency protection is in effect. Suspend classes in primary and secondary schools, kindergartens and nurseries and properly arrange boarding students. Employers are advised to suspend operation (except for special industries) and provide safe shelters for stranded personnel. Suspend outdoor operations and avoid going out. (Wind force will subside or stop momentarily at the eye of the typhoon. Please remain alert and take preventive measures in case the strong wind blows again after the typhoon eye passes through.) City-wide indoor emergency shelters are open and residents can contact local sub-district offices, community workstations, or browse the website of the Municipal Emergency Management Bureau for information on emergency shelters.
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Shenzhen Meteorological Bureau   Contractor: Shenzhen National Climate Observatory  Technical support: Shenzhen Ya code technology Co., Ltd
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